Presentation Design
A series of slideshow layouts accompanied by original illustrations, explaining the role of Safeena Muslim Cancer Network in tackling the stigma attached to diagnosis and treatment

Safeena is a UK based support network dedicated to serving Muslims who have been affected by cancer. Run by a team of experienced volunteers providing a free service, Safeena recognises the shortcomings of conventional health services when catering for an Islamic-based community. Safeena is the first Muslim Cancer Support Network (MCSN) in the UK to provide services specifically for Muslims affected by cancer.
I teamed up with Safeena to create a series of illustrated slides highlighting the primary role of the charity, as well as the core values and vision for the future. I focused on using a sparse colour palette, accompanied by eye-catching, endearing illustrations which highlight the humanity of the individuals affected by this disease.

With a focus on use of symbolism and portraiture, the slides combine sparse illustration and minimal type to illuminate the meaning behind each section. Every image is designed to complement the text, creating an immediate impact on the audience.